Association of Public and Land-Grant University (APLU)


The Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) is an association of 239 American universities, all of whom rely on federal sources of funding as an integral part of their budgets. With the constantly shifting political landscape, the land-grant system is at constant risk of critical funding shortages. Our challenge was to create a unified voice among the diverse members of APLU that would articulate the value of agricultural research and extension to key stakeholders.


roger developed and managed the “AgIsAmerica” brand platform–a hub of digital resources including a dedicated website, Twitter platform, and Facebook page–all designed to better engage thousands of grassroots supporters across the country. The AgIsAmerica mission is to educate our communities about the impact of the land-grant system on America’s food security, national security, job creation, and public health. In addition, we helped place thousands of earned media stories in publications all across the country.


Since launching AgIsAmerica, the land-grant system has received a yearly higher percentage of federal funding through legislation than other line items. AgisAmerica shares hundreds of stories a month about the impact of agricultural research, communicating with thousands of repeat monthly website visitors, 14,000 Facebook fans, and over 20,000 Twitter followers.


HK Anderson Pretzels

