Crane Paper Company


Special interest groups were attacking the dollar bill, lobbying to replace it with the dollar coin “to save the American taxpayers money.”

A group of pro-dollar bill businesses approached roger after the COINS Act was introduced in the House of Representatives. The bill proposed replacing the dollar bill with the dollar coin under the pretense of long-term government “savings.” Our clients were concerned with preserving the dollar bill and setting the record straight regarding the anticipated, but actually non-existent, savings.


We created the “Americans for George” Coalition and launched a full-spectrum integrated campaign to spread the truth about the dollar bill v. dollar coin.

We began by creating a coalition to give our clients a nationwide presence and unified message. “Americans for George” became a coalition of more than 100 American small businesses that promoted the dollar bill and the economic perils associated with replacing it with the dollar coin. We employed our full suite of services to deliver these messages: including a website, social media, earned media, grassroots and a coordinated paid media campaign that included subway, print, and online advertising with ads designed and developed by our team. The earned and social media efforts were particularly successful as we took the conversation straight to Members of Congress through their local and state newspapers and social media avenues. The pro-dollar public comment came alive through dozens of op-eds, letters to the editor, tweets and press releases articulating the positions of members of the Americans for George coalition. Spokesmen for Americans for George were quoted on the bill versus dollar debate in every major publication, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today and The Washington Times, as well as dozens of regional outlets. The Americans for George coalition was considered the authoritative voice of the pro-dollar side of the debate.


The campaign was successful and the dollar bill is saved and as a result of these efforts, the COINS act failed multiple times.


Blue Bell Creameries

