National Pork Producers Council


As a leading trade organization representing one of America’s most beloved foods, the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) came to roger with a challenge. Bacon was all the rage, from bacon toothpaste to bacon cupcakes, American consumers couldn’t get enough of the stuff. Despite loving the product, many Americans had no idea about the industry, and the people, who brought it to their tables. Our goal was to identify and engage a community of bacon fans to help raise awareness and build support for the industry.


roger created the “Baconeers” brand: a digital campaign that includes a website, blogs, call-to-action newsletters, and social media platforms. We built the community to nearly 125,000 people through multiple targeted digital campaigns focused on building new audiences not currently engaged on issues important to a product they love.


Whether it’s fighting back restrictive legislation on Capitol Hill or combating restaurants taking bacon off their menus, the Baconeers are an engaged and active audience. Baconeers content has been featured in NPR, the International Business Times, and NBC News.


U.S. Navy Commander Naval Surface Force (CNSP)


Georgian Dream